Saturday, May 26, 2007

no topic

i have to go work in 15mins, waste a bit of time here... something unusual is today i change my work place to bukit panjang plaza~ somewhere juz beside my house like 3 bus stops~ which is GOOD! but on the other hand, i dont know e stuff there gd or not; can slack like yishun or not; can go back early like yishun or not; can crap with collague like lewis or not~ LOL... I wish e answer is a big YES la! alright, go liao go liao.... tata~~~~~

Friday, May 25, 2007

point form? =.=

* went to thursday's lecture for the first time n regrated, believe me, Mr. Boo's teaching SUX~

*today is the second time i drink the weight gainer, force it down my throat, yet again, i felt vomit

*there will be a test held after 12hrs from now, revision half way done...

*my fren next door juz got his car today, grats, i was being invited to feel how's his car sits~~~ honestly, cool.

*dear, i miss u. A lot. pitty me, i can only hug ur pillow at night =(

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Words cant describe the pain in our hearts, let silent be...
I feel u, we are all e same my dear bro. I juz hate God is so unfair to let us suffer over food.
Well, plz do let me know when u have e needs. Love. - Mr. Bro

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sometimes i wonder life..
For a long while i did not have tat feeling, and today my collague let me know that there do have people worse than my condition, they r juz around me.
My heart is sad while my face is smiling

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Cute little Jacky



宝贝BLOG啊,别吓我呐~~ 如果万一找不回来,那么多月的心血就白费了!!!!!!!!!!! =.="


最近... 极度不好, 宝贝儿回国了,身边的确觉得不自然.. 好像少了左右手似的~ 平常她在身边咿咿呀呀的,现在这房间还真空,不过!我也能自由几天拉!哈哈哈哈,ops,pig dun kill me when u see this =p

虽然宝贝儿走了,不过这房子也没少人,我的好朋友来代替宝贝儿的位置来住了,他家里也发生了不少麻烦吧,要不也不会找我帮忙,想当年他帮了我不知道多少了,这小事儿,比起一年多没跟他和那些好朋友们没有联络,算PI! 不过第一眼看到他,真吓了我一条,变的真壮,羡慕的了我,差点当场晕眩.

做工的地方今天给我进了好多货来卖!! 哈哈哈,高兴的我屁掂儿屁掂儿的,而且是6种新的MODEL洗尘机,哈哈哈,不过有的人高兴那肯定也有人不爽了,比如说我的竞争对手PACSION!哈哈,他有的受了,恩...我好坏

恩,中文贴就此告一段落, I'll be back ^^