Friday, September 14, 2007

Now is something (How pampered are YOU) from Aman's blog =)

In your bedroom you have:
[x] a television - 2 tvs actually, due to size limitation, bring to living room 1
[] cd player
[x] vcds
[x] dvds
[ ] dvd player
[ ] playstation
[x] radio
[x] computer
[x] laptop
[x] fridge
[x] bathroom
[x] posters - i cut out my wearing-for-3-years T-shirt n made it my very own posta
[x] cds

A: Total 10

You are allowed to:
[x] wear skirts - no one say i cannot wear skirt, but e question is .....
[x] go to the mall with friends
[x] eat unhealthy stuff
[x] colour your hair
[x] have your own curfew
[x] pick your own school
[x] buy your own stuff
[x] drive anywhere - but dunno how to drive
[x] drink liquor with your family
[x] curse - no1 say i cant curse, so i take it as a yes.

B: Total 10

Have you ever?
[x] talked back to you parents
[x] sneak out at night
[x] been "told" not "scolded"
[x] been out of the country
[ ] shopped till you drop
[x] been given more money than you needed
[ ] felt you were heavily guarded (still am)
[x] spent a thousand in one day - sch fees
[x] made your parent(s) cry
[x] yelled at you maid - when i was small

C: Total 8

[x] have what you need - basic things loh, like a girlfrend ^^
[ ] get what you want - nv enough to get my WANTS
[ ] travel a lot - 2 countries only =.=
[ ] have a maid - past yes, present no
[ ] have a driver
[ ] get a high allowance - $450 for attachment... KAU!
[x] do whatever you want
[x] have branded clothing
[x] have a credit card
[x] eat whenever you want - e problem is i do not like eating ><

D: Total 5

[ ] ever scold you for not following your curfew - i dont have one
[ ] give u EVERYTHING you want - does ur parents give u EVERYTING u wanted?
[x] trust you - very
[ ] buy you things for the sake of buying them
[x] give you "extra cash" when you're out somewhere
[ ] think you should have the best and only the best
[x] want you to be happy
[x] help you
[x] love you
[x] pay for the mess you've made - every parents does that right?

E: Total 6

A + B + C + D + E = 10 + 10 + 8 + 5 + 6 = 39

Multiply the total number by 2.

Answer: 78

I'm 78% pampered


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